I was planning on just dropping the video and the figured I should add my experience with this subject and taboo I had around mental illness, depression, and anxiety. I was raised by a father who was all about “Suck it up” and “don’t be a big girl”, certainly did not talk about emotions or […]
If you have been thinking about building a PC and don’t have a large budget then Paul from @paulshardware has just done an awesome guide on the parts and how to put it together. He goes into great detail about the components, what they do, what they come with and how they are all connected. […]
The answer to so many problems, including the biggest one I think, cheap and clean power, is Thorium and we have one of the largest supplies of it on the planet My Favourite videos on Youtube now are everything fromĀ @kirksorensen, by @gordonmcdowell, talking about Thorium and Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor. [youtube https://youtu.be/YVSmf_qmkbg?t=2m28s&w=560] Right at the […]