Category: code
where I cover just the important bits Here is a little segment I try and present every month at my local WordPress Meetup which will provide some info and insights on all the awesome things I have come across over the last few weeks. These will include things like: All things WordPress New or Awesome […]
March 21, 2018
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Posted in: code
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So what is WP-CLI? WP-CLI or the WordPress Command Line Interface is a PHP based tool that allows you to manage your WordPress site via SSH (Secure Shell) interface. In simpler terms, it is the back-door to your website. WP-Admin is the GUI or Graphical User interface gives you something nice to look at, with […]
one of my all time favourite speakers who has a thing for cats in his talks and a love for AngualrJS as do I. #HIROY from WordPress.TV – WORDCAMP SAN DIEGO 2017
and some Development success and fails from 2016 Things I did differently this year. A lot has happened this year, both personally and professionally. I set out at the start of the year to make some changes to both these areas and I feel pretty good how things went. I have changed my eating habits […]
How to configure PHPStorm terminal to use GitBash on windows! Being a developer who likes using Windows can sometimes have its quirks but using PHPStorm and configuring the Terminal to bash instead of CMD can be very helpful. I have a preference to use bash, mainly sh.exe distributed with Git for Windows. If you are […]
I have an FYI for you, more for myself but if this info helps others, double-bonus. I have recently started combining my love for AngularJS with my experience on ongoing work with WordPress. The thing about working with AngularJS is there are a lot of scripts needed for even a small project, goes with the […]