Roy Sivan talks about learning PHP Deeply first
one of my all time favourite speakers who has a thing for cats in his talks and a love for AngualrJS as do I. #HIROY from WordPress.TV – WORDCAMP SAN DIEGO 2017
one of my all time favourite speakers who has a thing for cats in his talks and a love for AngualrJS as do I. #HIROY from WordPress.TV – WORDCAMP SAN DIEGO 2017
Using Groups in Microsoft Teams is great but there are some problems when trying to receive external emails to a group. I have been using the new “Technical Preview” of Microsoft Teams for a few months now and, off the bat, I have to say I like it. I always like the idea of connecting […]
and some Development success and fails from 2016 Things I did differently this year. A lot has happened this year, both personally and professionally. I set out at the start of the year to make some changes to both these areas and I feel pretty good how things went. I have changed my eating habits […]
I recently had to install the PHP executable on my laptop for my local Laravel dev. I had some issues, pulled out some hair so I wanted to post what happened when I tried installing PHP on Windows 10. Just installed the local php.exe for Windows 10 on my laptop, had some issues and thought […]
I have an FYI for you, more for myself but if this info helps others, double-bonus. I have recently started combining my love for AngularJS with my experience on ongoing work with WordPress. The thing about working with AngularJS is there are a lot of scripts needed for even a small project, goes with the […]